Filial Therapy

shutterstock_10715044Filial Therapy

Filial Therapy was develop ed by Drs. Bernard and Louise Guerney at the Pennsylvania State University.  Founded on the Child-Centered Play Therapy model developed by Virginia Axline, Filial is a phenomenally effective means of resolving child problems.  Filial teaches parents to provide Child-Centered Play sessions with their children, then works from that basis to create a therapeutic context in the home environment.

Filial is appropriate for a host of child problems, from adjustment to parents’ divorce or remarriage to ADHD and Oppositional Defiance.

IDEALS offers a two day training in Filial Therapy.  Because the foundation concepts of Child-Centered Play are not taught in this workshop, participants need to have first attended the Child-Centered Play workshop at IDEALS or provided by another Child-Centered Play trainer, such as William Nordling, Louise Guerney, Rise VanFleet, Barry Ginsberg, Nancy or Jeff Cochran, Jodi Mullen, Barbara Higgins, Sue Bratton, or Garry Landreth.

Filial Therapy training  will next be offered in September, 2011. Specific dates will be posted by August, 2011.

Filial Therapy training is taught at IDEALS by Mary Ortwein, author of Mastering the Magic of Play:  A Training Manual for Parents in Filial Therapy.

Behavioral Objectives:

At the conclusion of the training, participants will be able to

  • Name and use the principles underlying Filial Therapy
  • Teach parents 4 client-centered play therapy skills
  • Provide effective feedback to parents on their play sessions
  • Role play to demonstrate helping parents move from play sessions to parenting behaviors

12 CE Agenda

Day One

Overview of Filial
What Filial Is
Filial and Building Parent-Child Relationships
Filial and Child Symptoms
Filial and Parenting Skills
Some Approaches to Filial
Axline’s Principles and What They Do for Parents and Children

Part One of Filial: Teaching Parents Play Skills
Following the Child’s Lead
Showing Understanding
Limit Setting
Engaging in Role Plays

Day Two

Parenting Principles in Filial
Self of the Parent; Self of the Child

Part Two of Filial:  Helping Parents Move from Play to Real Life
Giving Feedback on Play Sessions
Moving from Play to Real Life Situations
Helping Parents Deal with Themselves

Implementation and Applications
Limits of Filial
Applications and Opportunities
Practical Concerns and Questions